How to Control Florida's Summer Insects

Cockroaches are one of the most feared insects in Florida. These repulsive insects can spread bacteria and allergies to humans. There are over 70 species of cockroaches, and only a female needs to mate once to give birth to a generation. Here are some tips for controlling cockroaches in Florida. If you see any of these pests in your home, you should act immediately!
Lovebugs are among Florida's most common pests. These annoying bugs are attracted to warm, humid climates. The Gulf Coast has plenty of them, but they are most common during spring and late summer. Often found in swarms, these bugs have two mating seasons: early spring and late summer. You'll probably see them around your home or office in the daytime, when your vehicle is running. They can get into your car's radiator and clog up parts. And if you're driving your car on the road, these bugs can seriously reduce your visibility, leading to a possible car crash. So, if you're dealing with lovebug swarms, you're not alone, and you'll want to learn as much as possible about how to deal with them before you begin to take any actions.
Summer is upon us, and that means bugs are going to make an appearance. While many of these pesky pests are harmless, others are dangerous and pose a health risk. As such, you should learn all you can about the insects you may encounter, and equip yourself with the best non-toxic methods for controlling Florida's summer insects. Let's take a closer look at the most common insects to keep out this season.
Bed bugs
Before you treat bed bugs for an infestation, you should know exactly how many you have and how many are present in your home. The best way to treat bed bugs is to catch them early - before they snowball into a large infestation. This will help you control the infestation, and save thousands of dollars in the long run. If you do not treat the infestation right away, you may find that the problem will only increase.
When it comes to Florida's summer pests, drywood termites are perhaps the most feared. These insects can be difficult to detect in the spring and early summer, as they prefer dark, damp spaces to reproduce. Often, these creatures can cause significant damage before you even know they're there, since they feed mostly on wood found in the home's infrastructure. While they can weaken support beams and damage roofing, they're usually difficult to detect, so proper termite control is necessary to prevent a major infestation.
Fire ants
If you live in Florida, you may be wondering how to control the summer insects that invade your home. The state is infamous for its daily showers, which makes it difficult to avoid the summer insects that plague Florida. Fortunately, there are several ways to protect your home from these pests. First, seal off any cracks or gaps in your house. Besides cracks and holes, you should also seal off any open spaces or gaps in your roof and walls.
Africanized bees
If you live in the Central Florida area, you may have already heard about the Africanized bees. These exotic insects have adapted to Florida's climate much quicker than we originally thought. Most removals are performed indoors, and the bees are similar to native honey bees. Non-Africanized bees are more docile and prefer open areas. They are invasive and aggressive, but they don't cause severe harm to humans.
One of the most dreaded summer insects is the mosquito. These tiny blood suckers live in stagnant water and can even invade your home during dry times. Not only can they cause a serious health threat, they also make bedtime uncomfortable.
If you live in Palm Coast, Ormond Beach, Daytona Beach, Deland, New Smyrna, Deltona, or the Volusia County areas, contact us. We are reliable, honest, and can handle any pest control needs you may have.